Plot excludes seepy drains on each side. Lumberjack Trail running below plot is an old railroad grade. Less rich soils nearby support more typical northern hardwood forests.;Gentle, west facing lower-middle slope on limestone lithology. Slope is dissected by numerous small, seepy drains, some of which host Aconitum reclinatum (see MONF.447). Community is a deciduous forest dominated by white ash and sugar maple over a herb layer with several calciphiles, including ramps and cohosh skeletons. Canopy trees appear mostly even aged with a few scattered larger trees which are open grown, 2nd growth after logging and grazing?
Late summer sampling date with spring ephemerals gone or dried up. Cover of skeletons estimated as fresh. Large patch rich mixed mesophytic / northern hardwoods on high elevation limestone. Plot shape is rectangle with long vertical axis to keep out of